Winter 2024/2025

NEW for 2024/2025
Flights! Teams will be placed in flights after 4 weeks of play, with reseeding during the Christmas break after 8 weeks of play.
16 weeks of league play. Teams will only need to play 10 weeks to qualify for prizes (top 10 scores count towards total)
New software! We are moving to Foresight Sports FSX Play which means better graphics, new courses and better gameplay.

AVID League
Anyone, at any skill, is welcome (no handicapping)
Texas Scramble format (up to 4 players)
16 Weeks (8 before Christmas, 8 after, with a break)
Teams choose their desired tee times, on their own time (it can be different from week to week & doesn't need to be decided now)
NOT required to play every week; teams may choose to play or not play each week
Teams must play & submit scores for at least 10 weeks to qualify for door prizes (each participant has 25% chance of winning an end-of-season door prize)
Your best 10 weekly scores count towards your overall team score (10 best results, added up)
Substitute players permitted during regular season play ONLY (see terms & conditions)
2024 Weeks: Oct 28, Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov 18, Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16
2025 Weeks: Jan 6, Jan 13, Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10, Feb 17, Feb 24
Live leaderboard updated with weekly team rankings
Flight-based format promotes friendly competition for teams of all skill levels
Playoffs: Mid March 2025 (details TBA, all flights included)
What's Included:
1 drink ticket / golfer / round (alcohol or non-alcohol)
Long-drive & closest-to-pin prizes
25% chance of winning a door prize (awarded at the END of league play)
Register the 4 members of your team (names & emails) by emailing info@avidgolf.club
Teams can either book tee times online 7 days in advance (standard process), OR can have a "standing tee time" scheduled with AVID Staff
Rules, Terms & Conditions
(the fine-print)
Recommendations, rules & settings participants must be aware of...
Rounds are booked normally, with the exception that a) AVID staff are notified before the round begins that the round is the league entry (ie. place a note in the online booking form when scheduling), and b) that AVID Staff must set, review & ultimately click START on the computer to initiate the round in order to qualify. AVID Staffers strongly recommend a minimum booking time of 3 hours or more, to ensure the round is completed in a single playing session. A picture *MUST* be taken after all players hit tee shots on the designated longest-drive AND closest-to-pin contest holes - on the "select a shot" screen - for results to qualify. It is the responsibility of each team to either a) take a smartphone picture, or b) ask an AVID Staffer to take the smartphone picture at the appropriate time, on the appropriate screen. Cue cards will be placed inside each team's simulator bay as reminders. Pictures taken must then be emailed to info@avidgolf.club, with the team captain's name, and the mention "AVID League" in the subject line. If the above steps are incomplete, illegible, or skipped for any reason, contest results for that particular week will not qualify due to lack-of-evidence. A picture *MUST* be taken of the scorecard screen for the round to qualify. It is the responsibility of each team to either a) take a smartphone picture, or b) ask an AVID Staffer to take the smartphone picture of the completed scorecard before exiting the game. Cue cards will be placed inside each team's simulator bay as a reminder. Pictures taken must then be emailed to info@avidgolf.club, with the team captain's name, and the mention "AVID League" in the subject line. If the above steps are incomplete, illegible, or skipped for any reason, round results for that particular week will be disqualified due to lack-of-evidence. Teams are required to complete each week’s round within 10 days of the schedule's listed Monday; in other words, each week's round must be completed by the following Thursday - end-of-day - to quality. Private & special events will take place at AVID GOLF from time to time; Organizers will use their best ability to rotate weekly commitments to avoid recurring conflicts for teams with strong preferences for tee times on certain nights; And because only 10 of 16 weeks results are required to qualify for prizing & playoffs, it's anticipated that some teams may choose NOT to play all 16 weeks. Substitute players are permitted, by informing AVID GOLF, and qualify for weekly contests & free drink tickets each week also Players & substitutes are eligible for playoffs if they played at least 6 weeks during regular season play Teams are ALWAYS permitted to participate with less than 4 players on any given week, or in playoffs; however, teams of fewer players will NOT be permitted extra shots either (ie. 3 golfers becomes a 3 ball Texas Scramble format) Standard cancelation policies for simulator bays apply, where teams must provide 24 hours notice in order to cancel any league play without charge. Expect men's tees to be approximately equivalent to men's white tees (average ~6200 yards), Senior tees (55+) ~5600 yards and women's tees to be approximately equivalent to women's tees (average ~5200 yards), varying from course to course, and dependent on Foresight Sports software limitations. Expect 6 FT gimmies, 0 wind, and no lie penalties, played on "double par," at Winnipeg elevation to sea level. As mulligans are not an option in the Foresight Sports scramble-mode, participants are warned to take practice swings at a safe distance from the ball (watch our walls though!); if a practice swing registers as a golf shot, Organizers ask participants to "smile and move on," as simulator golf isn't perfect! If any participant or team is found to be violating the AVID League rules, formatting, terms & conditions set-forth for fun, fair-play and in good faith, League Organizers may disqualify or discipline any participant or team to the extent Organizers see fit. It is understood by all league participants that AVID GOLF League Organizers may use best-judgement to add, remove, edit, clarify, or create exceptions to existing rules, for the betterment of the league and all those who participate.